The boundary you need to set to create work-life balance

I used to believe that having boundaries made a woman seem closed off and inflexible (and less “feminine”), but now I know that it's quite the opposite. Establishing healthy boundaries is empowering because it allows us to live a more fulfilling life and build deeper connections with those who matter most to us. It's about getting to know ourselves, our limits, and what we need to keep our hearts open, so we can share that with others. By setting boundaries, we become more human and allow more feminine essence to shine through.

For many women, setting boundaries can be challenging, leading them to either become defensive or collapse altogether. However, the key to softening our defenses without losing ourselves is to create a sense of safety within ourselves. When we feel safe, we can be more authentic and reveal more of who we truly are.

Setting boundaries that align with our values and goals allows us to prioritize our own needs and desires, which is not selfish but rather self-care. When we take care of ourselves, we are better equipped to support others… which doesn’t always mean doing it for them ;P. This keeps up in an empowered/-ing paradigm where connections with others feel mutual and nourishing. Um, hello heart eyes

One area where many women struggle with boundaries is in their work-life balance. If we're operating from a place of fear, work can consume us, leaving little time for the things that make us, us. Not only does this diminish a woman’s energy, it gives her less creative capacity to share her gifts with the world in a sustainable way. This often leads to resentment and burnout.

While it’s important to learn to say “no” to projects and tasks that provide little energetic ROI, the person she often needs to say “no” to is the voice of her inner saboteur. The part of her that often convinces her to trade her energy for immediate relief of discomfort (usually a paycheck) that will keep her in a smaller role than she’s intended to be.

When a woman is able to say "no" to this part of herself, she is willing to hold more of her own power in her life and she begins calling the shots for herself.
This requires her to trust herself and explore the ways she adds value beyond simply following directions.
This is the pathway to limitless potential.
Instead of keeping her nose to the grindstone, she is able to look up and see possibilities.

I have a group program designed to help women discern when/how to set boundaries within herself so she isn’t bogged down each time her inner saboteur presents it’s case (and it’s always a convincing one😅). This group will explore the internal and external boundaries needed to embody more confidence and express your authentic self to the world.

If you are ready to set boundaries in an empowered, feminine way we’d love to have you in the group.

We start June 1.

Sign ups have already started if you want early access to the material (so our time will be for coaching rather than education) you can click the photo below to get started.


How to: set boundaries in your relationship with time


The Reason You Freeze When Asked "What Do You Need?" (And What to Do About It)