It’s your life, You’re in charge.

I’m here to help you thrive

Many of my clients carry the weight of unfulfilled expectations that lead to stress and self-doubt. But after many years as a Dietitian and somatic relationship coach, I can confidently say that you have so more much to offer- and experience- in the world than wrestling with the number on the scale.

I’m here to help you free up some of that energy so you can share more of your unique gifts with the world.

It’s often much simpler than you may realize and it starts with understanding the story your body is telling.

This doesn’t mean you have to eat perfectly or exercise in a specific way, it means shifting the relationship you have to your body so you intuitively respond in a way that helps you feel your best- inside and out.

The Recipe for Healing

Gain Awareness

Understand your behavioral patterns so you can create the most logical (and effective) solution intuitively.

Build the Structures you need

Lasting change requires new boundaries, habits, and support systems that are unique to you. Learning how to do this creates a deep sense of security and stability.

Integrate wisdom

When you feel stable, deep inner work happens more naturally. Releasing old beliefs and emotions allows the wisdom they provide to settle ‘into your bones’ so you can trust yourself more.

Challenge Yourself

As we gain more capacity and mastery, the natural next step is to look for more. This is part of human development and it continues throughout life.

Choose your starting point

Explore Programs & 1 to 1 work

Make the Kitchen somewhere you want to be Mini-series

Instant access to 3 masterclasses designed to create a stress-free kitchen and make your food work for you.

Foundations of Empowered Living

Transform how you approach your relationship with food. This self-study program helps you gather the awareness you need to put the right support in place to feel stable (in all areas of your life) and reduce the urge to binge eat.

Work 1-on-1
From $700

Get tailored support to help you apply what you’re learning and navigate the emotions that accompany learning something new.

Nourish your life from the inside out.

let love in.

What clients are saying

Relationship Client


I have so valued my experience in Arise! Having telegram access and being able to chat regularly to get support on questions in real-time has been amazing! I also really appreciate the modeling of boundaries and EM [Empowered Masculine] phrases.

Each week I have been amazed by our sessions and I noticed major shifts after each one. I learned to connect with my EM, I felt freer to engage in play, and I got clarity on some of the major roadblocks and self-sabotage thoughts that have been holding me back. You are amazing at holding space and allowing me to feel safe to share anything!

That is so valuable to me!

Nutrition Client


My simple words cannot convey the paradigm shift Courtney has helped to manifest in my life. I'm a practical person, so I deeply appreciate the practical tools Courtney added to my previously nearly empty skills toolbelt. By being in better touch with myself, inside and outside, I'm empowered to make better decisions in my relationship with food. I enthusiastically recommend Courtney to anybody searching for both nutritional guidance as well as a pathway to inner peace.

Nourished Grad


Empowered woman testimonial

Courtney has helped me tap into my inner voice and begin to heal my relationship with food, weight, body image and other things that have been looming over me for a decade. She is the perfect guide and confidant to bring you through this journey!

Stay inspired with Paradigm shifting Insights, Practical tips, and Success stories.

Let’s kickstart your JOURNEY

I’LL be with you every step of the way.