Where sabotage is coming from and how to navigate around it

There’s a sneaky pattern I see in women when they are actively building the next step in their life. She will often oscillate between doing “all the right things” and feeling completely overwhelmed.
It’s as if she takes one step forward and two steps back and she can’t figure out what she’s running into that is getting in the way of her consistent progress.

What she can’t see (but often resonates with) is the particular dynamic with which she’s sabotaging herself.
It could be her child energy, binging after she’s eaten what she said she would all week. Or allowing her thoughts to victimize her when she doesn’t see the result she expected.
I see it equally in my nutrition clients and relationship clients and that’s because we each seem to have our personal version of sabotage to work through to get what we “want”.

The reality is the next version of you needs a clean slate to work with, which means the habits and thoughts that have helped you get this far will actually keep you from EXPANDING into the next iteration of you.

The energy you need to keep growing will get stunted if your masculine energy isn’t, at least in part, focused on protecting *your vulnerability. (*not the same as guarding)

This means getting clear on where you need additional support and building it instead of judging yourself for needing/wanting it.
It’s easy for us to stop our own growth by judging ourselves, my clients often have years of practice.
What they actually need is to experience the need that gets met as a result of supporting themselves.
Often these are deeper needs like safety, validation, security, acceptance, etc.

What I know is the next level of sharing your gifts with the world and even those around you is through these needs being met.
It increases our sense of worthiness and lends confidence to our expression.

When a woman is able to see clearly where she can embody more of her adult, empowered energy she naturally feels more supported and able to take the actions necessary to move forward.

I have a group program where we will uncover your predominant sabotage patterns so you know what is needed when they appear. You will get the clarity you need to shift the dynamic you have with yourself so the most challenging parts of your inner world get the support and attention they need to mature.

If you’d like a sample of this content, feel free to grab module 1 (it’s free)

If you’re ready to get started, sign-ups have started coming in. Grab a friend or join the group to meet new ones- together, we are committing to taking up the space each of us deserve.

You’re here for a reason, and it’s normal to need support to allow that to come through you. Now’s your time, it’s time to Expand your comfort zone and be seen!


Your biggest fans are waiting!


How to: set boundaries in your relationship with time