The reason it’s hard to trust your food choices

My clients struggle to trust themselves around food they really like or habits that "feel good" to them when they have a childlike relationship to choice.

When we are kids, many of our choices are limited because we don't have the emotional maturity or reasoning developed to see the bigger picture. As a result, the child's view of "freedom" often includes freedom from restriction. (Ask most children and they'd eat candy every day and play for hours.)

The reason it's easier for most adults to follow a diet is because the expectation is black/white and they can adapt their behavior accordingly. The problem is this doesn't account for the part of you that is the most likely to derail your consistency- the child that's still inside of you that doesn't want to be restricted.

This part (of all of us) is energetically tied to our appetite and, like any other child, needs structure &patience to develop into maturity.

This is important because when we understand how to engage with our appetite (from a physiological AND energetic perspective), we can accept- and heal- the most primal parts of ourselves instead of continuing to fight them with restrictive meal plans.

As a dietitian, I don't see this talked about often because it feels vulnerable, and even taboo for us to talk about. But when a woman can release the emotional charge she has around foods she finds pleasurable &understand how to support herself in those situations, she naturally releases the pull toward needing to restrict because she can trust herself.

When a woman feels this level of self-awareness/acceptance, dieting loses its luster.

She is set up to navigate each situation with the best guidance available- her needs.

Releasing the emotional charge so you can see situations clearly (AND with your needs in mind) is the ADULT relationship to choice 😉 this is what we do in my program, Nourished.

This self paced program is designed for women who can't seem to make a long-term change in how they relate to food. They go through cycles of being either super-restrictive or all over the place and would like to settle into a happy medium between those extremes.

In addition to the content, you will receive 3-5 daily emails/week to share practical examples that help you integrate the content into your daily decisions.

This content is designed to help you deeply (like, in your nervous system) shift the way you’ve been approaching food, your body, and your emotions so you can feel calm and stable in your body and take that energy into other areas of your life.

You can be in a totally different life before the New Year! If you’re ready to dive in, you can catch the best price by clicking the link below!


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