Are you in a toxic relationship... with the scale?

One of the most challenging relationships I see women navigating is her relationship with the scale.

Most women think there’s a number that will make them feel happy.

When they reach this magical number, it’s going to create a certain experience… a feeling in their body.

This leads them to checking in with the scale often.

And yet the experience feels jarring to them.

They almost always report feeling “judged” or “not good enough” by this inanimate object that has such an impact on their emotions.

Like a schoolmarm from the movies, when it tells them “good job”, they feel good and when it “scolds” them they feel bad.

What they don’t realize is as long as they continue to check the scale and have this experience, the scale is actually working against them- keeping them feeling small and always trying to avoid feeling not good enough instead of being their brilliant selves.

It’s possible to heal your relationship with the scale and allow it to support your journey too.

This comes down to her feeling seen and supported by her own masculine energy, the supportive parent-figure inside.

Often her experience is that her own masculine energy (the thoughts she hears) is also standing in that scene with the scale leaving her feeling alone, ashamed, and judged.

This distrust of her own masculine energy is often the reason she doesn’t trust herself or take actions that would help her feel better.

What she doesn’t realize is that “he’s” there to cheer her on.

“He” totally loves and believes in her.

Like really really enamored with her.

“He” wants to help and to make her happy so she can feel free to play and laugh.

“He” wants to throw her atop his shoulders and go on an adventure together, like the dad we always wanted.

I had a client share with me that it was hard for her to trust herself or her body, because she’s had multiple experiences of diets not “panning out” even though she’s tried every. last. one. of them.

It made sense she felt afraid of trusting too much, still wanting to suck in or somehow make it easier for “him”(the part of her that’s so smart and capable of achieving).

Trusting is a very feminine quality, it makes us vulnerable… and alive.

But all this partial trust was really doing is keep her feeling half engaged, never able to settle into healthy habits and missing out on the fun she could be having (i.e. trying new foods, new ways to move her body, making new connections).

When a woman can experience what it feels like to allow herself to be supported by her own masculine energy- her thoughts and actions- and everything outside her, it releases her focus from the scale immediately.

This is “reparenting” herself, stepping in to be the worlds best cheerleader... feeling that support from within, from where it can always be sourced.

When she’s no longer feeling bogged down by her relationship with the scale and starts to rebuild trust in her own masculine energy, she reports “feeling lighter” even if the scale hasn’t moved.

This lightness is what the scale responds to.

It creates an upward current of “I’ve got this”.

As a health coach, what I’ve heard most from people I’ve spoken with is when they start one healthy habit, they feel better and when they feel better, they naturally desire to do other things that help them feel better (like eating healthy and exercising seem to go hand in hand).

Simply put, when we feel better we do better.

We’re wired to move away from pain and toward pleasure.

For my clients, as soon as we uncross the wires that kept her moving toward pain and away from feeling good- she lights up and can naturally (and intuitively) move toward thriving.

This is the benefit of nourishing from the inside out.

This is a missing link for people that have been drawn to “intuitive eating” but haven’t seen the results they were hoping for.

It’s so counterintuitive and yet this is my specialty.

I have a transformational self-study course called Nourished: How to Use Your Appetite to Heal Your Relationship with Food for creative, ambitious, and heart-centered women who want to heal their relationship with food and learn how to feel nourished from the inside out when it comes to food, their body, every relationship in their life.

Phases 1+2 are designed to help you:

Learn how to engage your masculine energy to support your well-being and create more ease in your health habits.

Discover your own relationship with the scale so you can use it as a tool- or not

Feel lighter from the inside and uncover what helps you feel good so the journey toward better health is one you can enjoy participating in for the rest of your life.

Identify and implement the right steps for you so you can experience your diet as supportive, not requiring endless effort.

If you want to sample my most popular guided healing to shift how you’ve been showing up to the scale, let me know below and I’ll send you access. If you get a lot out of this, you’ll love the program (I’ll link it below).


The Underlying Reason Intuitive Eating May Have Been So Challenging in the Past


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