
This is the next-level inner relationship with yourself that will change how comfortable you feel being seen in all areas of life- creative ventures, work relationships, romantic relationships, and with friends/family.

This program is designed to help you expand your comfort zone, and receive more love, attention, and payment (especially for your authentic gifts). To step into these deep desires will often require us to reveal the parts of ourselves that feel most vulnerable to rejection, abandonment, and criticism (which will only feel safe if we strategically shift our boundaries to create a space for those fears that don’t cause us to act from them).

What you’ll get

  • Access to all 4 modules +3 worksheets for the life of the product. Go at your own pace- digest it slowly or gobble it up. No judgment here😝

  • Complementary emails are like a little love note in your inbox. As you integrate this information into your own life, you may be surprised by the emotions you experience. These emails are designed to help you accept all of the experiences you have and see them as helpful guides toward your authentic expression.

  • Learn how to identify the archetypal patterns of behavior that are most commonly playing out so you can consciously break through your limits and naturally allow yourself to be seen more authentically.

What’s inside

Module 1: Set Boundaries like a Queen

This 40 minute module explains step-by-step how to set boundaries like an empowered, feminine Queen (the way you deserve to feel in your own life😘

Module 2: What’s Keeping You From Expanding?

Setting the right boundaries to create safety and determining what you most desire (so your boundaries can create a runway to your desires).

A sample from Module 1- click the button for the full video

Module 4: Seeing the Situation Clearly

Keeping your power in any situation

Module 3: Seeing Yourself Clearly

The inner work of being SEEN



One time Payment

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • The women who get the best results from this content are actively taking steps to step out of survival mode because they recognize the impact (on their mental health, body, and sense of peace) of living that way and desire to embody more of their empowered femininity. She has a basic understanding of boundaries and the energetic exchange in relationships with others (and herself). She knows this content isn't going to save her, but merely shine a light on where she's blocking her natural energy flow so her EM can support her there too. Ah, so juicy.

    This is the next-level inner relationship with herself that will change how comfortable she feels being seen in all areas of life- creative ventures, work relationships, romantic relationships, and with friends/family.

  • This is advanced content so it will be less helpful to woman who experiences ongoing feelings of panic and overwhelm (if that is your experience >60% of the time, I'd recommend starting with Arise or Nourished).

    If this is resonating, consider this your soul's wake-up call.

    Expansion is natural, and blocking it (is also natural based on what you've understood thus far) doesn't have to be your only response.

    I'd love to show you how to stop stopping yourself.

  • Some of the natural results of stopping sabotage include:

    Experiencing the life you want;

    Feeling empowered while you stand up for yourself;

    Getting "behind" your goals wholeheartedly ("hedging" to prevent disappointment almost ensures it);

    Believing in yourself and feeling confident;

    Feeling calm as the process/conversations unfold;

    Depersonalizing feedback so it doesn't derail you;

    Feeling stable in relationships;

    Meeting and accepting deeper parts of yourself;

    More courage to create intimacy and experience belonging in all areas of your life.

    This changes how you show up in your relationships, allowing more collaborative experiences- with people that feel good to be around- without burning out while feeling a sense of worthiness to ask for help and enforcing the standards you have for your life.

    When we honor our own limits we can make sure we have what we need so we can give wholeheartedly to whatever is in front of us instead of hedging our energy to "save some for us".

  • This content is self-study. You can go at your own pace and digest it slowly or gobble it up. No judgment here😝 you will get access to all 4 modules +3 worksheets for the life of the product.

  • If you'd like additional support, I offer 1:1 coaching calls and ongoing support via Telegram to answer ALL of your questions (you can get 1 month or 3 months at a time for deeper integration and support).

    This allows you to practice applying what you’re learning while receiving feedback and support, creating a deeper transformation and lasting impact.

  • Because the transformation that happens as a result of this work is so individual, I don't guarantee specific results/timing but I am committed to teaching the principles necessary for women who feel like this is a good fit to experience dramatic outcomes.

    If you have specific questions, feel free to reach out (cschandnutrition@gmail.com) and we can chat or schedule time to get the information you need to make a decision that best supports your growth (even if this isn't the best fit for right now).